About the President


Jim & Julie Uhey

Jim and his wife, Julie, launched the Phoenix Project USA in January of 2007.  Jim is a nationally appointed U.S. Missionary with the Assemblies of God serving as a Chaplain.

Their goal is to provide help for people in crisis, or those who have been traumatized by life, to find hope and healing.  

Through training seminars they educate and train individuals how to help their friends and neighbors with simple tools they can use to provide emotional and spiritual care, as well as meeting practical needs in a crisis situation.    

For local churches, they provide an assessment program, next steps strategy in the preparation process to respond to the needs of their community, and a process of connecting with others that have a similar passion.  For example, Jim currently serves as the Chairman of NorCal VOAD - Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster. NorCal VOAD covers the Northern 48 Counties of California. NorCal VOAD includes a diverse group of Faith Communities; Community Based and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Jim also serves on the following leadership teams:  Chairman of the Disaster Relief Task Force for the Northern California/Nevada (NCN) District Council of the Assemblies of God and the NCN District’s Honor Bound Men’s Ministries Leadership Team.

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Rev. Uhey completes FEMA's Executive Academy for Emergency Managers

Jim receives his certificate of completion for FEMA’s Emergency Managements Executive Academy.